Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014


Day/Date : Tuesday, 09 September 2014
Class         : 9C
1.  Learning Experience 
 ·       My teacher start the lesson by reading basmallah
·       My teacher asks me to read holly quran
·      We’ll have the dialog
·     Mr.budi call the team for dialog
·    My team with karina septia r.
·    I’m dialog with kerin in front of the room ( moving class)
·    My teacher asks us to make send a massage
·    After that mr. Budi  give us home work about procedure text
·    My teacher finished the lesson by reading hamdalah
2.  The Topic/Lesson That I Understand 
. I understand about structure of procedure text
3.  The Topic/Lesson That I Don’t Understand
·     I dont understand about make a procedure text
4.  How To Solve The Problems

·  I’ll asks to my teacher in GO

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