Minggu, 07 September 2014


Day/Date  :   Thursday, August 28 2014

  Class         :   9C

1.       Learning Experience.
>     My teacher starts the lesson by reading basmallah.
>      My teacher asks me to read holy Qur’an.
>      My teacher said he will check our blog and English learning journal
>      Mr.budi asks to head of the class to check ICT room, then he back into  moving class And we should go to ICT room.
>      In the ICT 1 computer for two people, and mr.budi asks to secretary to checked blog one by one.
>      And mr.budi asks to student haven’t finished hei/her blog he/she should made it at that time.
2.      The topics/lesson that I understand
          I understand how to change profile picture on blog
3.       The topics/lesson that I don’t understand:
4.      How to solve the problem:

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