Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014


Day/Date : Thursday, 7 August 2014
Class         : 9C          
1.  Learning Experience
·       My teacher start the lesson by reading Basmalah
·       And then we read holly qur’an
·       My teacher explains meaning from holly qur’an
·       My teacher explains what we are going to do
·       My teacher make an agreement to me and my friends
·       My teacher explain how to make Blog for make an ENGLISH LEARNING JOURNAL
·       My teacher ask me to make a Gmail
·       My teacher close the lesson by reading Hamdalah
2.   The Topic/Lesson That I Understand
·       I understand how to make blog for make an English learning journal.
3.  The Topic/Lesson That I Dont Understand
·       I still don’t understand how to post ENGLISH LEARNING JOURNAL in my blog.
4.  How To Solve The Problems
·       I will ask to my friends. If my friends not know, i will ask to my teacher.

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